Why Become a Member?
Membership dues help us pay for:
Monthly meeting spaces.
Refreshments for meetings and socials.
Flyers for canvassing to get the word out.
This website - yearly URL and maintenance costs.
Social media boosts to help get the word out.
Swag: stickers this year, we hope to expand on this in 2018.
Promotional items for tabling future events - this year we were able to get a banner!
Benefits of Membership:
Only Members may run for Club Officer positions.
Members vote on changes to bylaws and Club Endorsements.
Members and Associate Members can join committees
Special Member-Only events
Exclusive Hadley Swag
Being a part of a community and learning how to make a difference in the party.
Insider info on politics in Missouri.
Ways to get involved - Action therapy for all those worries!
If you live within the boundaries of Hadley Township, membership dues are $25. If you live outside the borders of Hadley Township, you may become an Associate Member and dues are $5. Memberships all expire on December 31 of the current year. Any dues paid on or after November 1 of any given year are applied towards the upcoming year's membership.
You can become a member by registering and paying dues at any Hadley Township meeting. Simply connect with one of us and we’ll get you signed up!